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Monday, August 3, 2009

. UNDIFFERENTIATED SCHIZOPHRENIA - charaderied by prominent delusions

age of 20-25 years with equal incidence in both sexes Onsel can be acute or gradual Clinical charactertetics include catatonic alupor. catatonic rigidity. negativism, posturing or sengaless exciramant 3 PARAMOID SCHIZOPHRENIA-Occurs around the age of 25, to 30 years, incidence is perhaps mors in males than famales Delusions of suspiciousnesa. persecution and grandeur are the characteristic syrnptorns Disorganization of speech and thought and hallucination are additional symptorne Personality comparatively wall preserved and autism and regression are rare Prognosis is better than in hecephrenic schzophranla 4. UNDIFFERENTIATED SCHIZOPHRENIA - charaderied by prominent delusions, hallucinations, incoherence or greatly disorganised behaviour, which cannot be grouped intu any of the above types of schizophrenia 5 RESIDUAL SCHIZOPHRENIA - In this type. the patient would have a history of at least one episode of schizophrenia, but there are no prominent psychotic symptorrs at the time at evaluation except for bluntad or inappropriate affect, social withdrawal, eccentric behaviour or illogical thinking B According to duration of illness 1 Acute Duiatlon of illness is at least 6 months 2 Chronic Duration of illness is more than 2 yeare C. Based on psychopahology 1 TYPE I SCHIZOPHRENIA comprises transient positive symptorns (e.g delusions, hallucinations, thought duisorder) it has been suggested that type I symptoms result from a central hyperdopaminergic state and are ameliorated by post-synaptic dopamine receptor blockade caused by rienrolepties 2 TYPE II SCHIZOPHRENIA - is characterised by 'negative symptorns such as emotinal blunling. apathy anhadonia. asotclatity and 'Impoverished thinking Prognosis. Good Risperidone 4-8 mg od or bd orally Doses less than mg/day are less likely to cause extrapyramidal s

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