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Sunday, August 2, 2009

To use the Web Hosting Service internet access is compulsory. For internet access you should have to set up a connection. Two types of connections are

Dial up Connection is used in offices and houses where few computers share the internet. Dial up connection is easily available to every one. Broad Band connection is most popular service available because its speed is fast. Most of the companies are using broad band connection where many computers have to allocate the internet.
Ability of Web Hosting Company plays an imperative role in raising the sales of the corporation. Web Hosting Service should embrace firewalls, managed backup, network attached storage, security devices, load balancer etc. There are various Web Hosting Services such as Dedicated Web Hosting Service, Reseller Web Hosting Service and Virtual Web Hosting Service. In dedicated Web Hosting Service entire web server is assigned to single client. If your business grows in near future then you can enlarge your storage space and bandwidth. You have full access to control panel, hardware etc. You can execute settings according to your need. Reseller Web Hosting Service is a miniature business in itself as you have to purchase a Web Hosting Service and then send it to other client. In Virtual Web Hosting Service web server is shared with other clients. IWI Hosting is providing you these three types of services mentioned above. You can host any of Web Hosting Service as per your need. If you want to deal with us then you can contact us at

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