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Monday, August 3, 2009

The description of the technic of determination of closing volume is outside the scope of this book Maximal oxygen uptake

at rest. The description of the technic of determination of closing volume is outside the scope of this book Maximal oxygen uptake (V02 max) A normal adult at rest takes aboul 12 respirations/ minute and his tidal volume. VT is 500 ml. Therefore, his ventilation volume ( EMBED Equation 3 ) is 6000 ml/mm Out of this 6000 ml, containing roughly, 12DO ml of O2, he however consumes only about 250 ml or so of O2 per minute His 'oxygen utilisation' or 'oxygen uptake', at rest, (that is his (EMBED Equation .3 )02) is,therefore, 260 ml/minute During physical work,the need for 02 rises and his { EMBED Equation 3 }02 also rises until the limit, that is the maximal oxygen uptake,the { EMBED Equation.3 }02 { HYPERLINK htlp.// reached in highly trained athletes, the (EMBED Equation 3 } O2 max may be as high as 3000 ml or even more. The { EMBED Equation 3 )02 max varies from person lo person, being high in physically well built, trained atheletes Evidently the { EMBED Equations 3.)02 max value will be low in the following conditions Insufficiency of the bellow action (ventilatory capacity) of the lungs (emphysema), (11) Alveolo-capillary block (pulmonary edema. Hamman Rich syndrome), (iii) Insufficiency of the mechanism of 02 carriage by the blood (anemia, left ventricular insufficiency) and so on Ideally,the ( EMBED Equation 3 )O2 max should be determined as follows: The subject works maximally hard on a bicycle ergometer or on a tread mill. While he does so, his expired air is collected in a Douglas bag. After a period of 2 minutes or so, The work is stopped, the 02 percentage of the expired air inthe Douglas bag analyzed and { EMBED Equations }02 man determined Ex: The 02 concentration of room air is 21 % A man works very hard for 2 minutes in these two minutes, the volume of expired air as collected by the Douglas bag, is 100 liters. A sample of this expired an is now analyzed and analysis shows that percentage of 02in the expired air is 14 ml/100 ml What is the { EMBED Equations }Q2 max of the subject? Ans. Volume of air expired/min As this volume 3500 ml (per minute) was consumed when the subject was working with maximal effort the ( EMBED Equation 3 )02 max is Therefore 3500 ml/ min This means, the subject cannot use more than 3500ml of O2 /min. It is now popular to express { EMBED Equation 3 }O2, max in terms of kg body weight. Thus if the body weight of this subject is 70 kg, the (EMBED Equation

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