called "protein of high biological value" in general animal proteins have high biological values Conversely, where the ammo acid composition of the food protein drffers wdely from that of our body protein, the food proteins cannot be used by out body very economically Such proteins are called proteins of low biological values Some vegetable proteins are of low biological value and some other vegetable proteins (e. g. rice protein, wheat protein) have a high biological value According to the biological values, ranking of the protein can be (and has been) made Thus ,egg protein Is superior to milk though both belong to the class of animal proteins For human infants, mother's milk protein has a superior biological value than cow's rnlk protein If the biolopcal value is high, the amount of the food proten neeoed wii be less Therefore, inspite of the lower concentration of protein in mother's milk (compared to cow's), mother's milk is fully satisfactory from nutritional point of view, to the human baby There are metiods to determine the biological values of food proteins. which however win not be discussed here But it is important remember that too much stress need not be given on biological values of food protein (excepting for the growing children) From what has been staled n connection with supplementary protein, it ts obvious mat combinations of several food proteins, covers up any possible deficiency in the biological values Quantity of protein required How much protein is requaired per day per head Recom-mendations vary wider? from author to author. Some are given below in the 1900s Chittenden in USA found that onty 42 gms/ day for healthy adults is enough On the other hand, Voigt found from his studies on German workers that the daily requirement may be around 150 gins of protein .These two represent two extreme ends of the view According to a recommendation of BMA (British Medical Association) Conrmitee of Nutrition, of 11% or the total calories should come from protein As an example, a person requires 2200 Kcal/day 11% of 2200 - 242 K cal Now each gm of protein - 4 Kcal 242 K cal can come from 242 + 4 = 60 gms of protein approximatally . The most widespread flea is, an adult requires 1 gm/day of food protein Thus, if he (or she) weighs 65 kg, rhe proten requirement is 65 gm/day. The protein requirement Increases n me following conditions (i) Growing children infants require 3 to 5 gms of protein/kg body wt/day and most of the protein should be animal praters or proteins of very high biological value Throughout the period of growth, (which completes arourd 18th year in the boys) greater proportion of protein is required Between 14th to 16th year in the boys when there is again a fresh spurt of growth, heavier quantity of protein Is to be given (ii) Lactation, pregnancy The protein requirements about 1 5 gm/kg body wt/day. (iii) Convalescence. it should, however, be remembered that if me food protein is mainly from proteins of
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