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Monday, August 3, 2009

Cutaneous mycosis Ringworm fungi. 3. Subcutaneous mycosis. mycetoma, Rhinosporidosis, Sporotrichosis

. Cutaneous mycosis Ringworm fungi. 3. Subcutaneous mycosis. mycetoma, Rhinosporidosis, Sporotrichosis, Chromoblastomycosis. 4 .Syatemic myocosis Actinromycosis, Nocardosis, Gandidiasis, Histoplasmosis. Blastomycosis. Coccidiodomycosis. 5. Miscellaneous - Aspergillosis; mucomnycosis Keratinolytic fungal Infection Ringworm (Damiatophytosis) Etiology This superifcial fungus infection is caused by species of three genera of fungi - Trichophyton. Micerosporum and Epidermophyton. The clinical picture is often similar, and identification e dificult without culture. henca these darmatophytes are best described according to the region of the body Involed Dermatophyte fungi are found in the soil. In animate and human beings. They live on the superficial layers of the epidermis, hair and nails The factors that promote dermatophytophytosis are a warm humid climats. poor nutrtion and hygiene, contact with infected animals and humansr debililating diseases Clinical types Tines capitis - is commonest In children and e sometimes seen In epidemic proportions Infections are caused by species belonging to either Microsporan or Tricophyton Mcrosporon is very rare in India. It is usually spread by caps, barber's Instruments, hair brushes and combs. There is patchy hair loss with broken hair. Hair Infected by Microsporon fluoresces under Wood light The fungus gets foothold in the stratum corneum and grows in it. later it enters the hair folicle. penetrates the hair cortex and flourishes Inside. The weakened hair then breaks giving rise to a bald patch Types (a) Black dot patch (b) Grey patch with scaling. (c) Inflammatory type Certain fungi causa deep, boggy swelling called a kerion. (d) Favus - Circular yellow cups made up of a fungal mat (scutula) surround the hair follicle it occurs also on the nails and body. Patients have a 'mousy' odour. Tinea capitis should diferentiated from Impetigo. alopecia areate. seborrhoeic dermatetis Tinea barbae - Is usually found in adult males. it is acquired from a barbers Instrument or from animals The lesions are similar to tinea infections else where Types (a) Non-Inflammatory type - spreading peripherally and clearing in the centre. (b) Inflammatory type - This is a deeper type wich pustules and kerion formation a should be differentiated from sycosis barbae Tinea corporis - Ringworm of the glabrous skin can occur anywhere on the body. it is caused most oftan by tricophyton speclea. The lesion starts as a papule which spreads ring-like perlpneralry with central clearing. The lesions are usually circinate with an active border consisting of vesicles and sealing. D. D. - (a) Tubsrculoid leprosy where minimal Infiltration in the penriphery mimics the active border of tinea circinata (b) intertrigo with scabies with lesions In flexural and moist sites which are also sites of predilection for T, circinata (c) impetigo

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