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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Drotsinuria. and occasionaiiv present with rnacroscopic hematuria. Some have clinlcal course

from ihe kidney (e.g. bronchlectasis). 3 ETIOLOGICALLY DEFINED DISORDERS - (a) Infective agents - (I) Viral -B. HIV. Echovirusr mumps, varicella, Cytomegalovirus (b) Bacierta - Hemolytic streptococcusr pnemococcuah klebsralla. staphylo, gonococcius, salmonella, Yarslnla, syphilis, leprosy, tuberculosis (iii) Other - Malaria, schistosomiasis, filariase, mycoplasma (b) Non-infective agents - e.g. gold, penicillamine 4 IDIOPATHIC - Many cases of glomerulonephnris hava no known etiological agent or underlying condition. and histological changes are used as descrinptive diagnosis. Clissification - of glomsrulopalhies I cllinical - 1. acute nephritic syndrome. 2. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephrrtis. 3. Chronic glomeruionephritis. 4. Nephrotic synodrorne. 5. Recurrent macroscopic hemalurla. 6. Asymptomatic hematuria and/or prolainurla 7. Hypanensfon. Il Clincopathological - A. Non-proliferative 1 Mnimal change nsphropathy -Only abnormality Is retraction and fusion of epithelial foot processes at the glomerular basement merrtirane Undertying lesion in majorty of children with nephrotic syntfoma. 2. Focal and segmental glomerulcsclerosa - Here ojomerull undergo sclerosie. initially most prominent in juxLameduIlary region. Nephrotc syndrome is the usual presenlallon, and progressive renal rmpalrmom to corrmon. Tha lesion may recur arter ranal transplanation. 3. Merrtranous nephropathy - The glomerufar basetrent membrane conlaing immung completes comprsing lgGr C3 and presumably, antigen, initially lying below tha eprthehum. but laler incorporated in is snckened B. Proliferate 1. Dllttee rreaanglal prolUefaJicn with IgM depoaliion - When mid cannot be dlstinguslied from MCN Patianls uauallv have Drotsinuria. and occasionaiiv present with rnacroscopic hematuria. Some have clinlcal c

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