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Sunday, August 2, 2009

. Add 30 ml of acetone, shake for 15 minutes and dilute to 50.0 ml with acetone Centrifuge and dilute a quantity of the supernatant

. Add 30 ml of acetone, shake for 15 minutes and dilute to 50.0 ml with acetone Centrifuge and dilute a quantity of the supernatant liquid with acetone to produce a solution containing 0.0001 % w/v of Busulphan To 5.0 ml of the resulting solution add 5 ml of a 30% w/v solution of sodium iodide in acetone, stopper the flask lightly and heat in a water-bath at 50° for 90 minutes Cool, add 10 ml of a 0.0001% w/v solution of 1,5-di-iodopentane (internal standard) in acetone, mix. add 10 ml of water and 20 ml of hexane, shake vigorously for 1 minute and allow to separate Use the hexane layer For solution (2) add 5 ml of a 30% w/v solution of sodium iodide in acetone to 5 ml of a 0.0001% w/v solution of busulphan RS in acetone, stopper the flask lightly and heat in a water-bath at 50° for 90 minutes Cool, add 10 ml of the internal standard solution, mix. add 10 ml of water and 20 ml of hexane, shake vigorously for 1 minute and allow to separate. Use the hexane layer Prepare solution (3)- in the same manner as solution (2) but using 10 ml. of acetone in place of internal standard solution

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