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Friday, August 14, 2009

ovemight (fluid deprVation, urine osmolality usually exceeds 600 mOsmo/1 (,>1015) in more formal tests,fluid deprivation fOR upto 24 hrs

Normal filtration barrler is impervioua to molecules öf molecular w1 >aboul 60,000 Dall ons. Proteinurla - (a) in glomerular injury. the amount of albumin increases (b) Microalbuminuria helps early detection öf diäbetic nephropalhy (c) Assessing the Selectivity' of filtration. barner by calculating the proportional clearance of a large, molecule, such as IgG (150,000 Dairons) comparad with a small molacule such as albumin (66.500 Daltons) is öf use In children with nepnrotlc syndrome, a setectivity Index <0>1015) in more formal tests,fluid deprivation for upto 24 hrs or injecllon öf antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin tannate) should increasa urlnary osmolality to 750 mOsmol/1 or mare. 2 Urinary acidifcätion - Kdneys most excrete 70-100 mmol of non-volatile acids/day, otheiwise plasma pH falls and urine pH is high pH of urine can be assessed by dipstck A more formal lest is the acid load test Ammonium chloride 100 mg/kg is grven orally over 30-60 minutes (to avoid vomiting) Urine pH and plasma bicarbonate are measured ovar 3 hrs Tha bicarbonate concentrarion should fall below 18mmol/ 1 andurlna pH belcw53 in metabolic acidosis. plasma bicarbonate is already <20mmol/1>

intemal iliac artery is aiiected alone. claudicaiton in gluteus maximus on walking may be the onry Symptom Dlagnostic aigns

SLR öf füll ränge though painful at the extrems Multiradcular- signs in lower Iimbs muscle weakness billateral, unequal and marked 6 Benign spinal tumour - Progressiva increase in symptome Neurological signs more severe and progressive than in disc lesion if radograph shows srosion of bone and induction af epidural anaesthesia does not cause disappearance öf pain for the time being atumour is very prodably present 7 Major lesions in the butlock -such as acute osteomyelitis of ilium or üpper femur. ischio-recatl abscess pointing into buttock, septic gluteal bursitis Straight leg raising and hip flexion both vary painfut (In. sciaica due to dsc lesion nip flexlon is not imited 8 Arthritöis of the hip - Hip movements restricted and pain provokad by passive movemenis Radiograph of pelvis diagnostic 9 Intermittent claudiction when intemal iliac artery is aiiected alone. claudicaiton in gluteus maximus on walking may be the onry Symptom Dlagnostic aigns • Patient fies prone and his hip is axtended pasaively; this cauaes no pain He is then asked to keep the leg extended for a minute, this brings on the claudication spinal claudicatian - Pins and needes in both lower limbs on walking acrtain distance

PRESENCE OF TENDER NQULES - In parasplnal muscles and along iliac crest may be found in sclatica due to inflammation ofmuscular and fascial structures

PRESENCE OF TENDER NQULES - In parasplnal muscles and along iliac crest may be found in sclatica due to inflammation ofmuscular and fascial structures 5 RECTAL EXAMINATION • in older patients. III. lnvesugations - 1 Imaging of spine - (a) Straight X-rays - for deteocting disc narrowing in lumbar spine, or lesion öf sacro-iliac or hip joinl (b) Myelography to localise level of disc pratrusion and to dflferentiate such lesions from tumours (c) Nuclear magnetic resonance imagjng -usetful in assessment öf rool lesion. 2 CSF -may show lncreased protein with normal cellcounl In farge protrude intervertebral disc 3. EMG -may be usad to contirm presence öf denervation in affected muscles 4 Procaine injection test - for diagnosis of fibrositic pain, contaact with needie aggravates local pain and elicits referred pain, procaine suppresses both. and freedom o lag and apina movemenl \s restored Differential Diagnose öl conoBions causing Sciatfca - 1 DQc tesion - Hecunem boufä of Iowar back pain (lumbago) followed by unilateral sciatica, or pain first in calf or thigh or both without any lumbar symptoms SLR limiled Naurological signs absent if small protrusion. present if large displacernent compressing the root severely A huge hemiation may squeeze the root so hard that it becomes anaesthietic from ischemia and tha pain ceases, SLR becomes once again of full ränge al tha same time äs cutaneous analgesiä and loss öl power and rgflexes supervene 2 Spondytolisthesis Signs of disc lesion - together with lumbar deformity When spondylolisthesis causs intrinsic symptoms backache after prolonged standing, or bilateral sciatica X-ray taken with the patient standing dagnostic 3 Attrtion öf disc - Füll approxlmatlon öf the vertebrai bodies following attrition öf dlsc allows posterior longitudnal ligamenr to be unduly long Sciatica caused by standing due to compression causing posterior bulga of the disintegrated disc which is pushad back into position when posterior longirtudinal ligament is taughtened by lying down X-ray - Diminished joint space with marked anterior beaking at the affected level 4. Sacro-iliac arthrits- Altemation öf pain significant. ie.. pain comes in ona buttock and postenor thlgh, then it transfers tself to tha other side Signs of involvement öf 1st and 2nd säcral segments No lumbar signs Pressure on anterior iliac spines provokes pain in tha buttock SLR normal 5 Secondary deposits in spine - Gradually increasing central backacha, tendency to radiate to lower limö. soon to both Marked llmitation of movements at lumbar spine

maximum velocrty and it may be visualized that these molecules are dragging' the olher laminae This dragging force.that is,the force which causes

means the drop of total pressure ofthe blood dueto its passage through the capiHaries ia not great (fig 5. 7 4). In the venous system pressure is very low (fig 5.7 .4) and hence veins belong to the Iow pressure sysiem' In this connection. it should be remembered that our body is able to constrinct. setectively. the artenioles supplying a particular organ. Thus. arteroles supplying the skin undergo selectiver vasospasm (for example. during early phase of muscular exercise this causes ischemia ofthe skin As arterioles supplying the other organs (e .g skeleta muscles) remain unaffected or are even dilated, the blood is diverted to these argans Thus. in this way, the body achieves 'redustributions'of the blood flow Viscosity At the outset, some comrnonly used terms will be evplained Let mn is a tube (fig 5. 7 513) through which water is flowing in such cases, Sir isaac Newton visualized nearly three ceturies ago. that the flowing water may be considered to be consisting öf large number of concentric taminae (Iike the concentrinc laminae of an onion äs in A of fig 5.75 Each lamna or 'shell' is in intimate comaci with its adjacent laminae Wher such a liquid (water in this example) moves the Velocrty profile' of the laminae takes a parabolaid shape (B in fig 5_7 5) The lamina adjacent to the wall of the tuba, does not move at all, where as the velocity Increases more and more äs the lamina in question is more and more near the central longtudinal axis That is, the moiecules in the central longrtudinal axis has the maximum velocrty and it may be visualized that these molecules are dragging' the olher laminae This dragging force.that is,the force which causes the velocrly gradient in the laminae. is called the shearno forte Fig 575 Across sectiona! view of a laminar flow B Longitudinal view Note, tha velocity is
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bfood through the capillarines it was GHL Hagen, a contemporafy of Poisuille who worked furtner with the problem and found out the mathematical expres

tadeed, AC Burton onc e thmarked that. most of the (Hagen-Poiseuille} Jaw is common sense'l Hagen - Poiseuille law is also known. simply. as Poiseuille's (pronounced. Pawazee, -law Jean Leonard Marie Poiseuille was a Paris based physicioan and physicist who., in 1842, grasped the fundamental principles äs descnbed above in connection with his researches on flow of bfood through the capillarines it was GHL Hagen, a contemporafy of Poisuille who worked furtner with the problem and found out the mathematical expres sion It is emphasized, that only, a Newtonan fluid passing ihrough a rigid lube obeys the Hagen Potisuille's law Blood, stnctly epeaking, is not a Newtonian fluid. also blood vesels are not rigid tubes Nevertheless. Hagen Poiseuille's law gives an idea about the major' determing factors of flow Resistance against the fIow As the blood flows onwards, it faces a 'resislance1 againsl the flov- The resistance has to be overcome othe rwise flow will stop However. in ovetcoming resistance, the flowing blood also loses some öf its. energy (wthich it received ftom the heart because öf the ventncutar contraction) This loss of total energy me ans that the lateral pressure is also falling (see Bemoulli's ptinciple. earlier in this chapter As the resistance is,offered by the vascular tree, which lies peripheral to heart. this is also called ths peripheral resistance The interrelationship between the volume of blood fowing per unit time O the resistance, R, the pressure gradient, , in the Hagen • Poiseulie iaw) is given by the expression [The value of R. there fore is. putting values ofO

excretion is followed by surface scanning öf the kidnevs, to determine if renal function iS dvlded equalIy between the kidheys. Radocontrasl agsnl cle

triamtersne, amiloride, spironolactone, probenecld) (d) Hemoconcentration (e.g. diabetas insipidus), Decrease - (a) Incresed GFR (b) Reduced creatinine load (reduced muscle maas, Iiver failure) (c) Hemodilution (e.g. antidiuretic hormone excess). Plasma urea concentration. Normal equal lo or <> 20-25 mmol/1.if >50-60 increaslngly severe symtoms. Normal ratio of plasma. urea 60-80 CAUSES OFHIGH UREA CREATININE RATfIO (>8O due to factor othar than renal failüre) Increased urea generation - (a) High protein diat (b) Upper Gi bleading (c) Cataboilc illness. (d) Coriciostaroid or tetracyclina toxicity increased lubular urea resorption -(a) Dehydration (b) Salt depletion (c) Hypotension Both factors may coexist Radlotsotope matker clearance. 51Cr-EDTA and 1251-lothalamata are excreted entlrely by glomerular flltration The substance is injected l .v. and clearance. determined by measurement öf radioactlvlty in plasma or urlne. The tagt is msto approprlaie for assessment of renal funclion in patiants wrth normal or near normal plasma creatinine Tachnetium dethylamlne penra-acetc acid (DTPA) is injected iv, the rate of excretion is followed by surface scanning öf the kidnaevs, to determine if renal function iS dvlded equalIy between the kidheys. Radocontrasl agsnl clearance. Assessing the btood claarance öf these agents after i.v. injectlon e useful In patilents in whom GFR is changing rapidy (e.g. evolving or recovering acute renal failure) lll Assessment of flltrtion barrier
FILE NO .62621003

process öf glomerular filtration TO measure creatinineclearance. patienr's urine output is collectad for 24-hrs Plasma creatinlne concentrailon

mlnute) The clearance (vöurme/time) can then be calculated by deterrmining the volume öf ptasma which contatains UV/mmol/mlnute öf the sustanca, that is whera P(mmol/1) the plasma concentration to summarlza formula for clearance. Clearancs = GFR it the substance is fraely fillsrad Since the rala of glomerular filtration depends broadly on the number of glomerull (hence nephrons) present, the amount öf renal damage and therefore tne severity öf renal fallure can be assessed by measuring GFR Factors influencing GFK. Increäse - (a) Pre-renal factors - dehydration, hypotension, severe cardiac failure. (b) Renal damaga (c) Urtnary tract obaiructlon (d) Low-proisin diel (e) Drugs - AGE Inhlbliors, NSAIDS Increase-(a) High proteln dievmeal. (b) Eaily diabetes (c) Pregnancy (d) Growth hormone (a) Acrornagaly, (f) Dlumal Variation (increasedin afternoon) Plasnma creatinine and creatinine clearance Creatinine is the moat useful endogenous meiaoolism for cosessing glomeruar function, and is virlually all excrated by the kidneys, mainly by process öf glomerular filtration to measure creatinineclearance. patienr's urine output is collectad for 24-hrs Plasma creatinlne concentrailon (Pcr mmol/1) and urlne creatinine concentratIon (Ucr mmov 1) are measured and the duration of urinecollection and volume collected are recorded Normal creatine clearance is about 120 mvminute (varias with body size) Creatinine Clearänce (mvmin) - Plasma creatinine concentration -Normal por is O O4-011 mmoV1. Factors influencing plasma creatintine concentration - Increase- (a) Raduced GFR (b] Increased creatninea load .(increäsed muscle mass) (c) Reduced tubular creatinine secretion due to drugs (e,g trlmethoptim.

BACTEROLOQICAL EXAMIlNATlON - Bacterla - most commonly found are .E Coll, Pseudomonas pyocyaneus,

BACTEROLOQICAL EXAMIlNATlON - Bacterla - most commonly found are .E Coll, Pseudomonas pyocyaneus, Slaphylococus aueus, Proteug vulgaria, Klabsiella pneumoniae and Sireptococus faecalis. A clear relationship has bann demorstrated berween in vliro sensltivity öf the organisrm and tha outcame of treatment. and laboratory control of chemoterapy improves Ihe chaneas of sucessfuI Ireatment. Spirochetes - Leptosplra clerohemorrhaglca Ova and paraslies - Tnchomonas vaginalis and ova of oxyuris vermlcularis and öf schistosoma hematobium. Larvae of fllaria Scollceas and hookfels öf hydatld cysts Spermatozoa - sorreilmes found lollowing noctumal emlsslona, convulslons or prostatio massage V SPEClAL TESTS -Pregnancy test - Corcentratlon öf human chorlonic gonadoirophln (HCG) Increased (1-5/ml) with in one week after the first missed period. Urinary free cortisol, catecholaminas etc - See Chapler 5 Assessmenl öf Ranal Function Indications -1 Renal dlsease - (a) Detection (b) Evaluating lis saverity (c) FollowJng its progress 2 .Evaluation öf safety and effectlveness öf drugs excreted by tha kidneys. TESTS AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS - l Urina axamination and usully a quantltatlve measurement öf protelnurla II Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the most widaly usedtest of renal function. CALCULATION OF CLEAPANCE GRF is assessd by estirmating the clearance of a subslance evcreled by glomenilar filtration. The mcst commonly performed tesis are -1 Measurement öl plasma concentrations öf creatinine and urea whlch indlrectly rellect GFR 2 Creatlnlna clearance estimatlons. which are rnuch less canvenient and parlormed at infraquenl intervals lo tollow the long-term course Dl diseases potenliälly causing renal iailure Formula The rate at which asubstane is filtered will be tha same äs the rate of appearance In urine. that is. UV mmovrminute.


syringponyeilä Typs l With obstruction of foramen magnum and dilatation öf ceniral canal • (a) With type l Chiari maformation. (b) With other obstructiva Iesions of foramen magnum Typs II: Without obetruction of foramen magnum (idiopathic) Type lll with associated dsease of spinal cord -Tumours, arachnoiditis, traumatic myeloparhy Type IV Pur hydromyelia with or with out hydrocephalus Bladder involvement is late in syringomylia because lesion is lateral. Neuropalhibs Demyelinating neuropathy 1 Acute SBS2 Chronic (a) Heraditary Heredtary motor and sensory neuropathy lype l and III Refsum's syndrome Mliochromatic leucodystrophy Cockayne's syndroma (b) Paraproteinemia Myeloma Waldenstorm's macroglobulinemia (c) Drugs Amidarona (d) Chronic Inflammatory demvelinating neuropathy Autonomic neunopathy - 1 Diabetes mellitus 2 Uremia 3 Guillain-Barre syndrame 4. Alcoholic liver disease. 5. Amyloidosis 6 ldiopathic Congenital: Riley-Day syndrome. Acquired Shy-Drager syndrome 7 RENAL DISORDERS 1 INVESTIGATIONS IN RENAL DISEASE The Urin l GENERAL CHARACTERS - A, Volume - vanes with amount of fluids Ingested. perspiralion, etc Normal auerage for adout 1,200-1,500 ml (40-50 oz )Polyurla-A. Tranients potyuria -(1) Induced or therapeutic- (a) Ingestion öf large amounts of fluids (b) Alcoho ,tea,.coffeeracidifying salts like citrares ar tartrates, spices, large amounts of sugar (c) Diuretics (d) High protein det (2) Spontaneous (a) Due to nervousness or after a nervous attack, e g examinaton, neurasthenfa after an attack of epilepsy^ migraine, asrhma, angina
FILE NO . 62621002

Deficiercies. B12, thiamine, VItE, nicotinamide (c) Leprosy (d) Toxic: Alcohol, drugs (e) Paraneoplasilc Lymphioma

Deficiercies. B12, thiamine, VItE, nicotinamide (c) Leprosy (d) Toxic: Alcohol, drugs (e) Paraneoplasilc Lymphioma, Ca lung, PRV (1) Autoimmune dseases RA, SIE (g) Hereditary. Heredtary and sansory neuropathy typa l, gianl axonal neuropathy. hereditary ataxias (h) Miscellaneous COPD, prirmary.. amyloid. sarcold (i) Undetermined Paraplegia with optic atrophy - 1 Hereditary aiaxias - Friedreich's, Sänger Brown 2 Damyelinating - Multiple sclerosis. 3 Infections - TB, syphilis, arachnoldtis. 4. Deficiency - Subacute combined degeneration, pellagra 5 Vascular - Eale's disease. 8 Toxic - Alcohol, SMON 7. Miscellaneous - Matstastasis. Paget's disease öf bone Paraplegia with loss öf deep reflexes 1 St ats of spinal shock 2 Spinal artery thrombosis hemorrhage 3 Associatad radiculitis 4 INH toxicity (Tr öf TB spfne) 5 Presence öf bed sores/UTl (rare) Neurosyphilis it can be associated with congenital syphüilis, but not cardiovascular syphilis Cerebral aneurysms - Predisposing causes -1 Coarclation öl aartla. 2 Polycystic disease 3 Renal anery stenosis (fibromusccular dysplasia) 4. Essential hypertension 5 Enlers-Danlos syndrome type lV 8 PAN 7 SLE 8 Wegner's granulomatosis Mycotic aneurysm mors often causes dstal bleed not SAH Benign intracranlal hypartansion -latrogenic causea - Tetracycline Oral contrceptive Corticosteroiteroids Nitrrofurantion Nalidixic acid myasthenia gravis- Causes of unexpected deterioration - 1. Thyrotoxicosis 2 Sepsis 3 Pregnnrcy 4 Dnugs - Quinionne,. procalnamlde, phsnytoin Propranolo. lignocalne Aminoglycösides D-penicillamine Dluretics (hypokalemiä) Pathological


poesition with only one pillow for 3-6 weeks When pain is rallievead, plaster jacket to immobillise the lumbar spinecompletely for3-6 months After this the jaclket is removed, and a lumbar corset worn at all times during the day 2 Operative treatment - Indications - (i) Acute and incapacitating -sympiome not relieved by rest in bed or even immbilisation in plaster Jacket (ii) Quick recurrence öf symptoms. (iii) Evidence of large prolapse causing pressure on cauda equina, or clinical avidance öf severe root compressions shown by marked motor and sensory changes Operation consists of hemilaminectomy. remova of the protrusion, and curetting out nuclear material from the central part of the disc it is the most effective cure. C. SCIATlCÄ DUE TO INFLAMMATION OF MUSCULAR AND FASCIAL STRUCTURES - Rest, local applicalion. öf heat and massage. if tender nodules. injection with 2% procaine solution Treatment öf sepsis 1 Enhancement of GABA-mediated CNS Inhibition - Välproate, barbiturates, benzodiazepinas, baclofen 2 Membrane stabilizer action - Phenytion, carbamazepine Valproate may precipite phenytoln toxiclty (euan in absence of raised serum level) due to plasma protein displacement. Spinal cord compressaion - Mechänism of symptoms and signs -1 Direct pressure interfering with conduction in the roots and cord it self 2 Oedemaof cord balow site of compression from pressure on ascendig longitudinal spinal veirs 3 lschema from compression of spinal arteries Clinical manifestations of lesions in different parts of extrapyramdal system - Putamen - Athetosis Caudaie nucleus - Choteä Subthalamic nucleus - Hemlballsmus Globus pallindus and substantia nigra - Parkirsonian tremor and rigidity Chorea Hereditary neurological disorders Huntington's disease Benign familial chorea Päroxysmäl choraoathetosis Dentato-rubro-pällido-luysiän atrophy Wilseon's dsease Cerebellar degenerations Neuroacantrhocytsis 2 Other causes Sydenham's chorea Dopamine Pregnancy receptor-blocking drugs Oral contraceptives ldopathic

and marry inforrnations about R s are pouring in rapidtl Yet only some discrete date are known and unit the technöogy

receptors'(ii)Receptors for thyioid and steroid hormones are called' cytosol 'receptors because they occur either in t he cytosol or on the nucleus Affinty Agrven type of R has affinty for its own ligand Thus R for aöfenalin has afltmty for adrenalin molecules Bindring This (ie,the binding berween the R and Lmolecules)occurs by Van derWalls force (lntermoleculär dttracnon) and hydrogen bonds but not by covafcent Iinkages Recall. the bindnig by covalent linkages resulits in extremely strong oindng (inreversitble & nding) Structure An R has two domains (regions) (i) a ligand binding site . which binds with the ligand,it has alriniry for its specific L and can recognize the L (n) the öfher doman is called the actve site This site is veryi mporant for the post binding events Furthfr this site deitemes whether the L is an agonisl ür jntergoisl and acts accordingly Movement Aftfr binding with the L. the R becomeis RLC (reccptof-ligand complex) and the RLC moves laterally within the cell membtane in case of membrane nound R Without this movfment the post binding events can not occur. For this lateral movenment, cytoskeleat structres are impoitart (for cyroskeieron, see chap l sec I) Number.. life. degradation it should. be understood that since Langtey first speculaied about the existence of a necepror in 1904 and all the late 1960s,the receptors were purely hypothetical substances,,from many rndrect evidences . people inferred that there are receptors but no drect proof was available The picture has changtd now and marry inforrnations about R s are pouring in rapidtl Yet only some discrete date are known and unit the technöogy improve Stll further a comprehensve picture carnot be expected With this background, the folbwings can be noted (i) R s are proteinaceous macro moleciules (ii) in a guen cell the receptoi popularion of a grven species öf R vanes. sometnes it increases. that is, goes up (up regulation) . sometimes it goes down (down regulattion) (iii) R s have a fixed life span (for example the hatf life of insulin R is about 7 hr (iv)after the expiry of lifr the R is degraoea Details The receptor
FILE NO . 62621001


suspect the presence of a hormone in 1890, aithough Sir "Ernie" (Starting) for the first time in 1905 actually established the presence öf seaetin. sir Edward was a pioneer plnysologist, histochemist and histologist, he autored some classic practical text books on histology and expenmental physiology and was thus a pioneer man in this line of authorship The term hormone (from GK "hermin" ) means, l rouse or l excite (However. we know now that some hormones cause innibiDnn) B .Allosteric regulalors and allostenc proteins mean, 'hormones' and 'receptors' rgspectively CLASSIFICATION Based on their Chemical structures. the hormones have been dassifrfied äs follows MECHANISM Of ACTION OF HORMONES General mechanism of action has already been desribed To epeat, a honnone (or any chemical Signal) reacches the target cells (= the cells which contain specific receptors for the hormone non target cells may be bathed by the hormone and yet there will be no effect becäuse theyhave no recepor Recall, the hormone is traversing all parts of the body, via blood, so that most organs come in contacl with tne hormone) at target cells the hormone molecule binds (combines) with its specific receptors after such binding, post receptor events develop with in the cell the final effect (s) develops we are therefore. to know (i) something gbout the recetpors äs weil äs aboutl (ii) the post receptor binding events RECEPTORS Chemical Signals like hormone molecules reach the tar-get cells where they become bound by receptors Receptors äre proten macromolecules At least, vast majority of cells of our body (if not all cells of out body) have receptors There are many types of receptors, each ceil posseses several types of receptors Most (but not all)drugs aiso act via receptors that is. the drug moiecule is bound by the specific receptor and subsequently the drug produces its effectsit may sound surpnsing becouse

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Forex Trading Stratege Channel Breakout

profit. A popular Forex trading strategy used in profitable Forex trading is commonly referred to as a channel breakout.Channels in Forex Trading - Channels are lines that are created on a chart to show the range in which a currency has been trading over a certain amount of time. They are extremely easy to produce. By looking at the chart over a time period, you simply draw a line connecting the relative high point trading prices, and another line below it connecting the relative low point trading prices. What you've done is produced a visualization of the trading range that has been occurring over the time period in question, for example six months.Channel Breakout - When the price of a currency rises above the top channel line, this is an upwards channel break. Conversely, if the price of currency falls below the bottom channel line, this is a down side channel break. Channel breakouts can and do occur on the upside and downside. Through proper Forex training in technical analysis, anyone can use this method to develop a successful currency trading strategy.It is important to construct the channels properly, as not every crossing of the lines becomes a true breakout. If the channel lines are made improperly, you often see trading outside of this range only to come back inside. That's why it is very important before anyone starts Forex trading to complete a thorough Forex educationManaging Forex Channels Profitably - Once you get the knack of channels, you can start making significant profits. The important thing is to structure your trades with proper stops so that if you do get a false breakout signal, you have an acceptable loss or even perhaps a minimal gain. You'll find that if you're on the right side of a true channel breakout, any of the small losses that you've accumulated will be rapidly wiped out, and you will be sitting on a nice large profit.Every serious Forex trading investor uses channel breakouts. If you are considering taking part in investing in currency markets, you should take the time to get some Forex training in this strategy and other technical analysis techniques, which will develop the currency strategies that produce successful results. Without putting time and effort on your part to fully understand the risks and rewards that any Forex trading strategy entails, you will not be able to achieve the results that you desire. Indeed, your profit is in your hands

Monday, August 3, 2009

Price graphs are frequently supplemented with various technical indicators. Many of

these technical indicators fall into various differing categories. Some of these categories include trend indicators, strength indicators, volatility indicators, and cycle indicators. Each of these indicators is a tool which can be used to predict fluctuations in the market.
Common technical indicators frequently used in FOREX are as follows:
Average Directional Movement Index or ADX for short – this is utilized in to demonstrate if a market is entering an upward or downward trend, and to indicate the strength of the give trend. For the scale usually used by this index, results above 25 indicate a trend with a greater strength than usual.
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence or MACD for short – this demonstrates the current momentum of the market, as well as displaying the relationship between two fluid averages. A strong market is usually demonstrated when the MACD crosses over the signal line.
Stochastic Oscillator – this demonstrates the strength or weakness of a given market by way of comparing a given ending price to a price range over a specific time interval. A stochastic value under 20 demonstrates a currency that is oversold, while a stochastic value over 80 demonstrates a currency that is overbought.
Relative Strength Indicator or RSI for short – this is a scale from 1-100 which indicates the peak and low prices over a specific time interval. A price which falls below 30 is indicative of an oversold commodity, while a price above 70 is indicative of an overbought commodity.
Moving Average – this refers to the average price over a specific time period when that price is compared with other average prices during the same interval. For instance, ending prices over a 6 day interval would have a moving average of the total of the 6 ending prices divided by 6.
Bollinger Bands – these are bands which contain the great majority of a currency's current value. These bands consist of three horizontal lines. The top and bottom lines display fluctuations in price, while the middle line demonstrates the mean price. During time periods when the price is very volatile, the disparity between upper and lower bands increases. Overbought or oversold times are indicated when a bar or candlestick comes into contact with a Bollinger band.

Average Directional Movement Index or ADX for short – this is utilized in to demonstrate if a market is entering an upward or downward trend, and to indicate the strength of the give trend. For the scale usually used by this index, results above 25 indicate a trend with a greater strength than usual.
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence or MACD for short – this demonstrates the current momentum of the market, as well as displaying the relationship between two fluid averages. A strong market is usually demonstrated when the MACD crosses over the signal line.
Stochastic Oscillator – this demonstrates the strength or weakness of a given market by way of comparing a given ending price to a price range over a specific time interval. A stochastic value under 20 demonstrates a currency that is oversold, while a stochastic value over 80 demonstrates a currency that is overbought.
Relative Strength Indicator or RSI for short – this is a scale from 1-100 which indicates the peak and low prices over a specific time interval. A price which falls below 30 is indicative of an oversold commodity, while a price above 70 is indicative of an overbought commodity.
Moving Average – this refers to the average price over a specific time period when that price is compared with other average prices during the same interval. For instance, ending prices over a 6 day interval would have a moving average of the total of the 6 ending prices divided by 6.
Bollinger Bands – these are bands which contain the great majority of a currency's current value. These bands consist of three horizontal lines. The top and bottom lines display fluctuations in price, while the middle line demonstrates the mean price. During time periods when the price is very volatile, the disparity between upper and lower bands increases. Overbought or oversold times are indicated when a bar or candlestick comes into contact with a Bollinger band.

Since the recent yen cross meltdown started I've been trying to keep from getting caught on the wrong side of any massive downward moves.As I generally trade only the AUDJPY, mostly on the long side, things have been pretty quiet!However, we are now facing some resistance at 74.50 on the 1hr -- which should be illustrative. We have done what might be a triple bounce off of support in the vicinity of 70.90 or so too. I'm thinking we may have another downturn to confirm support but we could certainly get right back to business without it.In any case, as the market is starting to act rational, I'm just about ready to start trading according to my own particular style.

Understanding Forex Technical Analysis For Successful Forex Trading

We are going to look at some of the different varieties of charts used in Forex technical analysis and provide some useful guidelines for readings such charts.
Price Charts contain information regarding FOREX prices at specific time intervals. Intervals range anywhere from one minute to several years. Prices are usually displayed in the form of line graphs, and occasionally the change over each given time period is depicted in the form of a bar graph or candlestick graph.
Line graphs are useful for providing a broad overview of price fluctuations over time. They display the closing price at the end of the given time period. Line graphs possess several advantages when compared to other types of graphs: they are are quite easy to understand and they are useful for finding patterns over a long period of time. However, a key disadvantage is that they lack the degree of detail possessed by bar and candlestick graphs.
In contrast, bar graphs provide a greater amount of information than line graphs. The length of each bar demonstrates the price difference for the specific time interval – a longer bar indicates a bigger separation between high prices and low ones. Furthermore, each bar contains two tabs. The left tab on a given bar displays the price at the beginning of an interval, while the right tab demonstrates the price at the end of an interval. Using this system, it is easy to see price fluctuations over a given time interval, and to understand specifics of the variation in price. At times, it can be difficult to read bar graphs which have been condensed and printed on paper, but most computerized graphs usually possess a zoom feature, which makes it easy to see the specifics.
Candlestick graphs originated in Japan, where they were frequently used in order to analyze rice sales. These resemble bar charts in that they indicate prices at the beginning and end of a certain time interval, as well as the peak and low prices over that interval. Furthermore, these charts are color coded, which assists in the ease of understanding. Green candlesticks are associated with increasing prices, while red candlesticks demonstrate decreasing prices.Candlestick shapes - these shapes, when viewed in comparison with neighboring candlesticks, provide information regarding market fluctuation. This information is helpful in analyzing graphs. Different shapes of candlesticks come as a result of several values: price diffusion, and the disparity between prices at the beginning and end of a given interval. Candlestick patterns have been dubbed names which correlate with their physical shapes; names including 'morning star' and 'dark cloud cover'. When an individual learns these shapes, he or she is easily able to find them on a graph, and utilize this information in identifying tendencies in the current market

) the force of contraction The force of contraclion is a big issue and has been subdivided into, 1

1 factors influencing the force of contraction. Starling's law and contractility 2 the concept OfVmax 3 effects of Call, noradrenalm 4. staircase phenomenon 5. all or none law 6 heart lung preparation of Starling Before going for details, the student should be familiar with the following Iwo terms (T) isometnc contraction, and (ii) isolonic contraction Isometric contraction In this case, the muscle contracts but does nol shorten For example, when the left ventricle is contracting isometrically, the ventricle shows all other features ol contraction but does not shorten ThusL the venlncle becomes hard generates heat, generates force, consumes extra energy, shows biochemical changes of contract tan withm ns muscles but does noi shorten, i.e . it performs no (exTemal) work and does not eject blood into the aorta Nevertheless, as it is generating force, the isometrically contracting ventncle exerts great squeezing pressun on Ihe blood in its canty Isolonic contraction In addition 10 other features of contraction. the venlncle shortens, does external work and! ejects blood Mechanism of shortening Basic anatomical facts need recapitulation, presuming, the reader is already aware of the facts, staled under, forking myocardial cells', in chap 1 sec V They are. 1 Working myocardial cells (WMC contracl but Ihe pace maker and the juncliona) tissues, although they belong to myocardium, do not The gross histology. Er. pictures and mechanism of contraction of WMC are remarkably similar to those of skeletal muscle cells (SMC) 2 Each WMl (or SMC) shows under LM (light micro scope), alternate dark and light bands called A and 1 bands (fig 9 1 I) respectively 3. fi sarcomere consist of 1/2 I band + one A band + 1/21 band (figs 5.1 5&5 1 9) 4 In a sarcomere, the thick (rnyosin) filament is covered by 6 Thm (actm) filamanisfligS.I 6 and 5.1.5), 5. Each actm consists of a double helix (fig 5 1 7) Actually s smgl thin filament may consists of some 300-400 actm molecules (a single thick filament, similarly contains roughly 4Q molecules) Thus, a thin filament is s polymer of many actin molecules called G achn, the polymer being called F actm S milarly. a thick filament is a polymer of many myosin molecules Two other pfoteins. the regulatory proteins, viz. tropomyosi and troponm are associated with the aclm helin (fig 5 1.7) The actm molecules contain sites for attachmeni with myo&i (fig 5 1 7) bul the Iropomyosm is so allachad that mosl of these sites are covered by the tropomyosm band This is Ihe picture, when the muscle fiber is at rest The Iropcmin (actually there ace several types oftroponiri, viz. troponm 1r troponm C etc) molecules are attached with Ihe tropomyosm Trooonm C .can bind with ionic Ca++ The myosin molecule has; a globular head and an elongated tail (fig 5 I 8) The head has sties by which it can bind wilh the actm molecule, provided the actin molecular sites are not covered by tropomyosin The myosin molecular head has also binding

, AV junctions! tissue, bundle of His and its branches. Purkmje's fibers),

musculature virtually becomes b syncytium Nerve and blood supply to the heart have been described later in this book Fig 51 9 SUMMARY & HIGHLIGHTS Myocardial cells (= fibers) are of 2 types, (i) Pace maker and conducting cells (= SAN, AV junctions! tissue, bundle of His and its branches. Purkmje's fibers), they generate impulse and conduct the impulse, (ii) Working myocardial cells (WMC), which contracl WMC consists ol myofibmls, each m/ofibnl consists ol 4 types of myofilaments. (i) acltn ii) myosin (iii) tropomyosin, and (iv) troponm At rest, the active sites of aclin (where myasin heads are To be aitached during contraction), are covered by iropomyosn 2 types of tubules are seen in sarrnlernma (= cell membrane of muscle fiber), (i) T tubules which communicate with the ECF, and; (ii) L tubules (= sarcoplasrnic reticulum) which do not communicate with the extenor T lubuias occur near the Z lines (which form the boundaries of sarcomere) and neat them L tubules form cisterns (or triads) 1 Introduction 2 Mechanical Properties (a) Mechanism of shortening (b) excitation corrtradron coupling fc) Force of contraction 3 Eleclncal Properties (a) Rhythmicily (I)Site of gene ration of impulse, (ii) Mechanism ol spontaneous generation of the rhythm {b) Conductivity (l)Spread of excrtation over Ihe atna; (it) Conduction through the ventricles fin) Slannius ligature Re-entry (c) Eicriabilily (I) Refractory penods (a) absolute, (b) relative, (13 Action potential of the heart muscle 4 Effects of ions on the electrophysiologica] properties of the heart muscle; various synthetic solutions Introduction According to Ihe traditional teaching, the basic properties of heart muscles are (i) ability I contracl, (ii) excitability, fiii) rhythmicrty (also called autorhythmicity). and (iv) conductivity Of these properties. the ability lo contract is a mechanical property whereas others are electrophysiotogical properties In short, cardiac muscle properties belong lo two groups (i) mechanical and (iij electrophysiological. THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES The basic mechanical properly of the heart muscles is Ihat il can contract Contraction may or may not cause, shortening Neverthless, all contractions generate force and produce squeeze on the blood in venincular or atna! cavities which in turn, ultrnately speaking, causes ejection of blood from these cavities The major issues, discussed in this book, under the mechanical properties, are : (a) mechanism of shortening (b) excitation contraction coupling

intrapleural pressure fads l e the negahvty nses) 4 lung expands Clearly, therefore

l e the negahvty nses) 4 lung expands Clearly, therefore, compliance indicates the strechatufty of the lung Compliance is defined as the volume 0f expansion of the lung per unit change of pressure, that is dV/d P, vvnfiere V and P indhcate volume of the lung and ntrapteural pressure (Ppl)respectively and A = the difference In noimal heathy young adults the value of compliance is about 0-2 l/cmH20 This means that per every cm fall in inirapleural pressure, the expansion of the lung is 0-2 1 It can be defined in another way also, viz the shrinkage of lung volume per every cm of H2Onse of irtrapleural pressure [Note. AV = expansion or shnnkage of volume] Compliance can be defined in another way But before that, the term Trans pulrnorTary pressure' (Ptp). should be explained in fig 4 2 11he lung and pleura! cavity are shown schematically The lung may be visualized bag
situated a closed pleura! cavity it the inraalvenlar pressure is say 761 mm
Hg (ib, +! mm Hgl and the mTrapleurai pressure is755mmHg(ie,-5 mm hg), then the transpulmoary pressure (Ptp) is (761 - 755)OrBmmHg ObviOusV greater the Ptp, greater wll be volume of the lung But depenoing on the stretchabilityr differeni lungs will have different values at a given Ptp Compliance of the lung therefore is AV/Ap where P is the transpufmonary pressure The pressure volume curve Compliance in an ntact man can be measured clinically The principle, in short, of this measurement, is as foflows Irtrapleural pressure is recorded and simultaneousty the lung volume is also recorded The person, now, partially inspires (or expires) and stops in the midway making no further inspiration or expiration His intrapieurai pressure and the lung volume are again recorded at this point A series of such observanons are made and the graph plotted (figure A 22) ( HYPERUl*: http //Fig 4 2 2 Compliance ) of lung, the hysteresis loop (descnption in the text) The intrapleural pressure is recorded by placing a balloon m the esophagus as mentioned above The subject breathes from a spirometer The volume of ar that has entered from a spircrneter [thus which can be measured due to the expansion of the lung must be the volume of expansron of the lung In this way the values of v and P are obtained This curve therefore denotes the Interrelationship between the intrapleural pressure (PpL)and the volume of lung Such a pressure volume curve is also called a compliance curve The following features of the compliance curve (fig 4 22)should be noted 1 it is not linear In the lower left portion of the curveL smail changes in P (PPl) causes greater changes of V In plain words lungs become less stretchable when they are already expanded Not much an, therefore, enters the lungs at the terminal part of a very forcible inspiration Beyond 1 liter volume. inspiratory efforts fail to cause air entry m me lung 2 The ascending and me descending Lmbs of the

Why You Need To Adopt A Forex Trading System To Make Money With Forex

Trading in currency can be very exciting and also very rewarding but before rushing in find out why you need to adopt a Forex trading system to make money with Forex. There isn’t one right system but you just need to have a system that you stick to so your strategies make sense.
Currency markets are different than stock markets and you will need to spend a little time determining what system works best for you which is why you need to adopt a Forex trading system.
You could adopt a Forex technical approach or a more fundamental approach. Both are successful trading systems but combining the two together results in a much more powerful trading system which is why you need to adopt a Forex trading system. You can plot a very specific trading course while having a look at the bigger picture.
There are many analytical tools that you can use and that is why you need to adopt a Forex trading system. In addition as you gain more experience you will get to better understand each of those tools and how to get the maximum benefit. You’ll suddenly be a pro at trading with Forex.
Consider watching for resistance levels which are prices that are much higher than where the currency generally trades. Just a couple more reasons why you need to adopt a Forex trading system. If a currency price manages to break through either the resistance level or the support level the prices usually continue in that direction. They are seen as bullish and usually continue on this trend.
Moving of averages is another Forex tool that you need. SMA is the simple moving average which shows the average price during a selected period of time which is usually either 7 or 14 days for which it is plotted against. Moving averages are commonly used to eliminate short term price fluctuations and to help give a clearer picture of how the currency prices will move. If you know when and why you need to adopt a Forex trading system you’ll be ahead of the game.
Fundamental analysis is also a helpful tool because it can be used to reinforce the indications that come from your technical analysis. Another reason why you need to adopt a Forex trading system What ever your trading system this is why you need to adopt a Forex trading system that works for you.
Copyright © 2007 Joel Teo. All rights reserved. (You may publish this article in its entirety with the following author's information with live links only.)

One pip is equivalent to $1

Trading in pips allows the new forex trader to scale down his risk. With such a low denomination, the trader is able to deal with forex trading with less pressure and more discipline. For example, a 20-pip floating loss is approximately $20, so that if you have a 20-pip sudden move against the direction of your trade on a 100K account, that is translated into a $200 floating loss. In every transaction, by using a Mini account, the trader does not end up with a total loss as he loses only a small amount on every losing transaction. This allows him to follow his trading strategy in a disciplined manner.
4. A smaller trade size
The mini forex account trades in smaller contract sizes of 10,000 units which is 1/10 th the size of the standard account. This smaller trade size allows traders an opportunity to trade live with less overall risk. As a result, a beginner can transit or move into forex mini trading quickly from paper trading. While the standard lot is 10,000 units, the beginner trader can increase trading to more lots or units as he gains experience and confidence, and as his profits increase as a result of disciplined trading.
One hidden benefit of trading the mini forex account is that traders can become familiar with the quality and also the reliability of the forex trading platform or trading station of his broker. This is because the forex mini account utilises the same state-of-the art trading software as that for normal sized forex trading.
Mini accounts are recommended for traders with account balances of less than $10,000, allowing them more trading opportunities without over leveraging their account and hence get more staying power in the market.
We will discuss how you can exploit these features of a forex mini account to your advantage in Part #2 of this article so that it is easier to earn a consistent income trading on low capital and lower risk.

visual blackouts and unconsciousness Valsatva maneuver or severe bouts of cough

efforts, particularly with glottis closed (Valsalva maneuver) when because of the large +ve intrapleural pressure the cardiac inflow may be rernarkabty reduced so that cardiac output falls resulting in cerebral ischemia, visual blackouts and unconsciousness Valsatva maneuver or severe bouts of cough may be therefore, dangerous in an old man intrapulmonary pressure As fhe act of inspiration proceeds, the lungs confirms to expand and the intra atveolar irvtrapulmonary) pressure fails In quiet breathing, it may thus become -3 mm Hg As ar of the atmosphere enters (because of the pressure gradient). the negabvity decreases and at the end of the inspration, it is again ob i e. atmospheric During quiet expiration the pressure rises, {maximum +3 mm Hg) but at the end of expiration * is again O In VatsaVa's maneuver, great expiratory efforts are made with the glottis closed, intrapulmonaiy pressure may nse tremendously (say about + 60 mm Hg) This may cause rupture of the atveoli PRESSURE VQLLtoC WTERELATIONSHIP. COMPLIANCE lrutroduciion As The muscles of inspiration contract, the thoracic cage expands, the inrapteurai pressure, that is, the pressure around The lung, falls and the volume of lung increases (fig A 2 1) As already pxplamed in the mechanism of breathing, (he tung expands because it is pulled by the visceral pteura The degree of pull is proportional to the negativity of the plsura! cavity, greater negauvity indicating greater pull Therefore, ultimately the expansion or the lung is proportional to the increase of the negatrvity of the intrapleural space Now if a lung is stiff. a greater (more man usual) amourt of negativity wril be required to expand the lung This interrelationship between the pressure surrounding the lung and the volume of the lung is called compliance In plan words, compliance means the distensibility Imagine the following sequence of events which normally occurs Inspiration begins

The Forex Mini Account - The Best Way To Start Off Trading Forex On Low Capital- Part #1

A lot of people assume that forex trading will require a huge capital base. As a result, they would instantly decline to entertain any proposal to start trading in forex, preferring to remain with trading stocks and shares which is more affordable. This is simply not true, because in forex trading, you can start off with minimal capital when you utilise a forex mini account.
There are four main advantages of a Forex Mini Account.
1. Low Minimum account size
$300 will allow you to start a forex mini account. This is affordable for most people to start off with in forex trading. When you consider forex trading as a business, there are very few businesses costing only $300 as a startup capital offering lucrative prospects of earnings within a very short time.
2. High leverage
You can get leverage of 200:1 In the mini forex account, there is a small margin deposit required fixed at $50 for per lot traded. This amounts to a stunning leverage of 200 to 1. One of the key factors to accelerate profits is to use trading vehicles of high leverage, and a forex mini account certainly meets or fulfils the definition of high leverage.

Free Forex Buy And Sell Indicator - Online Forex Tools

A free Forex Buy and Sell Indicator is a good option if you are someone who trades actively in foreign currencies. This could be a very useful tool for you if you want to keep track of the daily price rises and falls in the forex market. The application can give you precious information regarding currency trading as and when you need this. This will ensure you have the facts with you when you need to make a decision in a fluctuating market.
A free forex buy and sell indicator takes the guesswork out of forex trading. It makes sure you are trading based on solid facts and not just on a whim. It will also ensure you are backed with historical data on trends regarding the currencies you are trading in.
There are many sites where you can check out free forex buy and sell indicators. These sites offer customers software which can help predict whether it is wise to sell or to hold on to the currencies you are trading in. Some sites which offer buy and sell indicators are business4profitsystems and swingcurrency. You might want to try out a few sites and find out which one is best suited to your requirements.
Apart from the free indicators, there are a host of other sites which allow you to download such applications for a fee. Such paid sites might give you superior quality and better features, which a free one cannot offer. Applications like Forex AutoPilot - also called FAPS - are fast gaining popularity among users. This is an automated software which trades at anytime provided you leave your computer on. the software requires you to feed in the basic ranges in which you would like to trade and rest assured the software will take care of the rest. This might sound a little dicey to those of you who would like to be in total control of your forex trading. The Forex Autopilot has an in -built free forex buy and sell indicator. But this comes only in its demo version.
Another well received software for forex buy and sell indication is Doubling stocks. This software also helps you make cardinal decisions in the forex market regarding when to buy, sell or exit a trade. This is not an automated software, so you will need to do the trading yourself on the basis of what the software tells you. This would be reassuring for those of you who need to have complete control over what you are trading. This software application also comes with a free demo package. The demo software is definitely very rich and detailed. It would be a boon for those who are entering the forex trading business and provide valuable support for those who have experience in the forex markets.
Apart from these two there are many other sites which sell forex buy and sell indicators for a price. What you need to keep in mind when you purchase this software is the sensitivity of the software to daily fluctuations in the market. Automated robots like FAPS offer a demo version which allows you to do mock trading without spending a cent. You might want to try this option before you actually buy the software. This way you can be completely sure about the accuracy and the appropriateness of the advice offered.

This is followed by actual expiration of The air with a very high velocity

a tremendous pressure This is followed by actual expiration of The air with a very high velocity (may be 500 or 700 km/hr (During cough, owing to great nse of intrapt
laural (and hence mediastial pressure) veins (which ara thin walled structures) are severlytd cessatfon of bfood flow through Them no cardiac infow no cardiac outflow (output) cerebral ischemia Recall the brain cannot withstand assaults of anoxafschemia for. say, more than 20 seconds So a severe and prolonged attack of cough may be assocntad with visual black outs and even fainting due to lack of brarn blood supply Cough is beneficial as it causes removal of obnoxous agents from the tracheo bronchial tree However excessive cough, threatening to produce alveolar ruplure/fainting, attack/hemiaton etc should be stopped by anirtussve (cough suppressant) agents Bronchospasm is also to some extent. teleologically benaficlal as il prevents entry of further noxous agents During anesthesia and introduction of endolracheal tube, if Jocal anesthelrcs (to paralyze this irritant receptors) are not sufficiently used, bronchospasm many develop Similarly, sneezing is also due lo irritation of such receptors in the nasal mucous membrane) So, in short, lung irritant receptors are ardinanly not called into action, when Ihey operate, the rhythm of respiration is severely altered Afferent impulses from these receptors are earned by vagal (afferent) fibers V Peripheral ctomoreceplors Chemoreceptors are present in various anatomical sites of the body and they serve vanous purposes In connection with the control of respiratory1 system we have two types of chenoreceptors, (i) central chemofeceptors (described afterwards), and (ii) penphtral chetmoreceptors etanls ol penpheral chmoreciplors will be given below The following sketches may be noted at present Penpheral chemoreceptors include two sets, (a) cartid body [present at the root of eiiernaf carotid artery fig.4 3 5) and (b) aortic bodies, present in the arch of aorta. They are so placed in the vascular endothelum that they come in direct.cortfacl with the blood They can delect (= analyze) the anenal blood P02 (= Pa02)h PC02 (= Pa C02) and pH When Pa 02 is low, they are stimulated send signals lo the respiratory center respiration stmulated (hyperpnea), by which Pa 02 deficiency is corrected These chetmoreceptors can also sense (= analyze) the PaC02 and when PaCQ3 is high they are ;[stimulaied hyperpnea a correction of PaC02 values However, so far as PaC02 is concerned, central chemoreceptors (not the peripheral ch em o receptors) play the dominant role On the contrary, for Pa02. there is no central chemo receptors and.the. PaO2 correction occurs via the peripheral chemoreceptors. Low blood pH is also sensed by The

J reflex = stimulation of J receptor bradycardia + hypotension + hyperpnea + weakness of skeletal muscles When are these

probably in the walls of the alveoli, when stimulated they produce apnea (= stoppage of respiration) followed by hyperpnea. bradyeardia and hypotension In addition. 11 can also produce bronchospasm Further, stmulation of J receptors Ie ads to the inhibition of contraction of the skeletal muscles Therefore. J reflex = stimulation of J receptor bradycardia + hypotension + hyperpnea + weakness of skeletal muscles When are these receptors stimulated? Answer is, it is slimulaied in pathological conditions like, (i) sma emboh in the pulmonary blood vessels and (ii) pulmonary edema J receptors and muscular exercise What causes the physical exhaustion and muscular fatigua during a hard exercise is not clearly known (In general, it is believed that fatigue in intact man is caused by central mechanism, ie . mechanism residing in the synapses of the central nervous system) Paintil argued that during muscular exercise. cungestion of the pulmonary capillaries lead to slight accumulation of interstitial fluid (recall, at health during rest, the pulmonary interstium is dry) this in turn Ie ads to stimulation of J receptors muscular weakness Teteologically, this may be viewed as a naturally exsting 'brake'mechanism in the body, operating to prevent excessive exercise However, paintals vews regarding the cause of muscular weakness in physical exercise is yei to be univsrsally agreed Towards the end of 198J. a ryeal iragedy, called Bhopal Gas Tragedy'occurred m Bhopal oMndia In this tragedy, poisonous gas leaked out from a factory and great many people were affected Many of the victims developed muscular paralysis Following Paintal's line of argument, it can be suggested that This can be due to the stimulation of the J raceptors by the gas Afferent fibers from [ht J nctpton are carried by thi vagus iV Lung irntant receptors Thess are present in the epthelial layer (in between the epthelial ceils. to bt precise) throughout the tricheo bronchial tree (but upto the respiratory bronchiole) They are stimulated by cigarette smoking, industrial pollutants like S02 and imtant gaas Thers is a suggestion that during asthmatic allacks they are stimulaied by histamme (recall mast cell' dtslabtlzation and release of hitarrane itend to occur with very slight provocation in asthmatics) Effects may be of two types i) if the receptors of trachea/bigger bronchi are stimulated the response is cough ii) if the receptors of smaller or smallest bronchi are stimulated, the effect is bronrhospasm Cough In Ihe intial phase of cough, there is a catch (an inspiratory catch) followed by violent expiralory effort with Ihe glollis closed Ai this phase the inliapleural pressure nses tremendously (may reach figures like 7O or 8O mm Hgi and the alveol have to withstand a tremendous pressure

They introduced some new nomenclatures while describing them However,

the movements of human srnall intestine. They introduced some new nomenclatures while describing them However, on the whole The movements are basically simlar to Those found by the earlier workers on the animals. THE MOVEMENTS Description and utility. (i) Segmentation or segmenting contractions were described by Cannon. In this movement, constrictions appear at several points in a portion of The intestine Therefore, that portion of the intestine is divided into several segments, each bounded by a ring of constriction on either side. Each segment is about 1 or 2cm long. Very soon a constriction ring appears in the middle of each segment but The previous constrictions now disappear. This process is repeated (fig.3.7.3) and the constriction rings again appear at the sites where they appeared first. Fig. 3.7-3 Segmenting movement Segmenting contracticns obviously, results in mixing of the food matter (chyme) with juices available in the intestine (like pancreatic juice and bile). This type of contractions can not cause propulsion of the chyme in the aboral direction. (ii) Pendular movements are similar to The segmenting contractions: however the individual segments formed are large, about 20 cm in length Therefore, the chyme moves forward i.e. in the aboral direction hist and then retraces its path next. This type of movement helps the liquid chyme (recall. That the chyme delivered from the stomach is either liquid or nearly so) to move to and fro. like the pendulum of a wall clock, i.e. it is exposed to a large area of intestinal mucosa provided by the villi and microvilli. The intestine acts here as a powerful shaker, (iii) Peristaltic waves, first described by Starting and Bayliss. consist of a ring of contraction which moves forwards, i.e. in the aboral direction. The result is that the chyme moves in the forward, i.e. aboral. direction So peristalsis is a propulsive movement. Because of the fact That it sleeps onwards, it is also spoken of as a translatory movement. Starling and Bayliss
visualized the whole process as follows . a sort of a mass of chyme appears somewhere in the small intestine and acts as a stimulus (stretching produced by The bolus is actually the specific stimulus). As a result the ring of constriction appears behind (i.e. cranial to ) the mass and relaxation occurs in front (i.e. caudal to) of the mass and the mass therefore moves forward. In its fresh. i.e. new position. The mass again acts as a stimulus and the whole process is repealed. This conception remains valid till to dates. Peristalsis waves are superimposed on segmental movements. [NB. According to

There is a concomitant stoppage of respiration after initial 'catch' in inspiration.

There is a concomitant stoppage of respiration after initial 'catch' in inspiration. the Lriynx is closed and is drawn upwards. All these events result in prevention of aspiration of the vomits into the respiratory tract. The palate rises and the communication between the nasopharynx and pharynx is cut off This prevents spilling off of the vomitus into the nasopharyngeal and nasal cavity. Ant peristalsis waves may develop in the stomach or duodenum and if This develops it aids in vomiting. However, development of ant peristalsis waves is probably not essential. Vomiting center. This is situated in The medulla, close to the salivary centers. salivations therefore, is common when The vomiting center is stimulated. The vomiting center may be stimulated by a very Large variety of stimuli. Thus inflammation of malady of most of the viscera within our abdomen (gastritis. enteritis, cholecystitis etc.) heart (myocardial infarction) or ghastly disagreeable sight, smell, taste etc. can cause vomiting. Head injury and intracranial Tumor irritate The vomiting center directly by means of raised intracranial tension and cause vomiting. This type of vomiting is called "central vomiting’ Near The vomiting center at medulla There is a "central chemoreceptor trigger zone" (CTZ) which when stimulated, causes a stimulation of the vomiting center in turn. Drugs of the group of phenothiazines (e.g. chlorpromazine or largacticl'. act on this CTZ and thus inhibits vomiting. Nausea and vomiting, particularly in the morning are normally seen in early months of pregnancy and are called "morning sickness" This is due to stimulation of vomiting center by some metabolites Vomiting very often ejects undesirable substances from the stomach and Thus, saves us from Them. However, persistent vomiting also causes loss of water (dehydration and H+ ions (alkalosis) with their attendant train of sequences. MOVEMENT OF THE SMALL INTESTINE 1. Introduction. 2. The movements the different types of movements, effects of nerves and hormones on them and conditions influencing them.3. Applied Physiology. Introduction The small intestine, beginning from the first part of the duodenum and ending in the ileocecal junction, normally maintains a tone After death. this Tone disappears and as a result. The length of The small intestine (as well as that of the large intestine) increases To great extent The length of the intestine in cadavers, therefore is no index of That in life. In addition to the tone three other movements are described classifically They are - (i) segmentations. (ii) pendular movements and (iii) peristalsis. These are on the basis of the animal experiments made by Cannon (of USA) as well as Starling and Bayliss (of Great Britain) who made their studies in the beginning of 20th century or in the last phased 19th century. In 1965 G. Friedman and his colleagues reported their studies on the movements of human srnall intestine.

Forex Training: Deadly Forex Mistakes That Assure Failure

Before venturing into your trading journey there are some things you need to be aware of, otherwise you could succeed on your trading adventure, and we don't want that to happen, do we? This Forex training guide will help you track the most costly mistakes Forex traders do.
First of all, make sure you don't have a trading system. Having a trading system might increase the odds of your success. If you have a system, you will have an objective way to get in and out the market. When traders create their trading systems they think objectively since there is no position to be taken at the moment. If there is no position to be taken, there is also no money at risk, if there is no money at risk, we do think objectively and are open to every possibility, thus we are able to find low risk trading opportunities. So make sure you don't have a system and trade based on a randomly approach.
If you have already created your system, then don't follow it, be undisciplined. If you follow your system, there is a possibility that you can profit from the Forex market based on the trading opportunities you have found. If you want to fail on your trading, be sure to be undisciplined.
Don't get educated. Most successful traders are very well educated in the market they trade (stocks, Forex, futures, etc.) If you get educated, you might acquire the knowledge and experience you require to master the Forex market. Don't read about the Forex market, don't enroll into Forex training programs and don't even look at historical charts.
Don't use any money management technique. The purpose of money management is to avoid the risk of ruin, but at the same time it helps you boost your profits, allowing them to grow geometrically. For instance, by using no money management techniques, there is a possibility that in loosing 10 trades in a row you could empty your trading account. On the other hand, by applying simple money management techniques you can avoid it. So make sure, if you want to fail, don't even consider money management.
Forget about psychological issues. You need to get every trade to win. Successful traders know that they don't need to win every trade in order to profit from the market. This is one characteristic that is hard to understand and really apply. Why? Because we are taught, since kids, that any number below 70% is a bad number. In the Forex trading environment, this is not true.
Don't even consider using a Risk-reward (RR) ratio greater than 1-1. If you use a RR ratio of 1-2 (willing to make twice the amount risked in one trade) then you only need a system that is right around 50% to make money. If you use a RR ratio of 1-3 (willing to make three times the amount risked in one trade) then you will need a system that is right around 40% of the time to make money. So make sure to use a RR ratio below 1-1.
By applying every point outlined in this Forex training guide, you will almost assure your failure in your Forex trading journey. Do the opposite, and you will have the possibility to achieve what every trader is looking for: consistent profitable results.

Price graphs are frequently supplemented with various technical indicators

Price graphs are frequently supplemented with various technical indicators. Many of these technical indicators fall into various differing categories. Some of these categories include trend indicators, strength indicators, volatility indicators, and cycle indicators. Each of these indicators is a tool which can be used to predict fluctuations in the market.
Common technical indicators frequently used in FOREX are as follows:
Average Directional Movement Index or ADX for short – this is utilized in to demonstrate if a market is entering an upward or downward trend, and to indicate the strength of the give trend. For the scale usually used by this index, results above 25 indicate a trend with a greater strength than usual.
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence or MACD for short – this demonstrates the current momentum of the market, as well as displaying the relationship between two fluid averages. A strong market is usually demonstrated when the MACD crosses over the signal line.
Stochastic Oscillator – this demonstrates the strength or weakness of a given market by way of comparing a given ending price to a price range over a specific time interval. A stochastic value under 20 demonstrates a currency that is oversold, while a stochastic value over 80 demonstrates a currency that is overbought.
Relative Strength Indicator or RSI for short – this is a scale from 1-100 which indicates the peak and low prices over a specific time interval. A price which falls below 30 is indicative of an oversold commodity, while a price above 70 is indicative of an overbought commodity.
Moving Average – this refers to the average price over a specific time period when that price is compared with other average prices during the same interval. For instance, ending prices over a 6 day interval would have a moving average of the total of the 6 ending prices divided by 6.
Bollinger Bands – these are bands which contain the great majority of a currency's current value. These bands consist of three horizontal lines. The top and bottom lines display fluctuations in price, while the middle line demonstrates the mean price. During time periods when the price is very volatile, the disparity between upper and lower bands increases. Overbought or oversold times are indicated when a bar or candlestick comes into contact with a Bollinger band.

Understanding Forex Technical Analysis For Successful Forex Trading

We are going to look at some of the different varieties of charts used in Forex technical analysis and provide some useful guidelines for readings such charts.
Price Charts contain information regarding FOREX prices at specific time intervals. Intervals range anywhere from one minute to several years. Prices are usually displayed in the form of line graphs, and occasionally the change over each given time period is depicted in the form of a bar graph or candlestick graph.
Line graphs are useful for providing a broad overview of price fluctuations over time. They display the closing price at the end of the given time period. Line graphs possess several advantages when compared to other types of graphs: they are are quite easy to understand and they are useful for finding patterns over a long period of time. However, a key disadvantage is that they lack the degree of detail possessed by bar and candlestick graphs.
In contrast, bar graphs provide a greater amount of information than line graphs. The length of each bar demonstrates the price difference for the specific time interval – a longer bar indicates a bigger separation between high prices and low ones. Furthermore, each bar contains two tabs. The left tab on a given bar displays the price at the beginning of an interval, while the right tab demonstrates the price at the end of an interval. Using this system, it is easy to see price fluctuations over a given time interval, and to understand specifics of the variation in price. At times, it can be difficult to read bar graphs which have been condensed and printed on paper, but most computerized graphs usually possess a zoom feature, which makes it easy to see the specifics.
Candlestick graphs originated in Japan, where they were frequently used in order to analyze rice sales. These resemble bar charts in that they indicate prices at the beginning and end of a certain time interval, as well as the peak and low prices over that interval. Furthermore, these charts are color coded, which assists in the ease of understanding. Green candlesticks are associated with increasing prices, while red candlesticks demonstrate decreasing prices.
Candlestick shapes - these shapes, when viewed in comparison with neighboring candlesticks, provide information regarding market fluctuation. This information is helpful in analyzing graphs. Different shapes of candlesticks come as a result of several values: price diffusion, and the disparity between prices at the beginning and end of a given interval. Candlestick patterns have been dubbed names which correlate with their physical shapes; names including 'morning star' and 'dark cloud cover'. When an individual learns these shapes, he or she is easily able to find them on a graph, and utilize this information in identifying tendencies in the current market.

2 Electro-convusive therapy (ECT) - About 6 to10 convulsions spread out over a period of 2 to 4 weeks Indcations

Good Risperidone 4-8 mg od or bd orally Doses less than mg/day are less likely to cause extrapyramidal symptoms 2 Electro-convusive therapy (ECT) - About 6 to10 convulsions spread out over a period of 2 to 4 weeks Indcations (a) Caiaconic and paranoid schizophrenia (b) Stupor. excitement or violent behaviour of the patient (c) Associated syrnptoms of depression or mania (d) Suicidal and homicidal tendencies (e) Patients not responding to the other treatments 3 Psychothgrapy and Case work - Supportive paychontharapy indicated(a) early schizophrenics, (b) rnaintenance and rehabilitation of recovered patients Anatytical or deep psychotherapy usually avoided In schizophrenic patients Case work by psyatric social worker is quite useful in (i) modyfing the environment (physical as well as psychological) so as to make it less stressful for The palisnl. (ii) eslablshing harmonioua relationship with people around, i e. family, friends relatives, people at work, etc . (iii) rahabilltating the recovered pattern in Schlzoprirenirormpeychosis - This resembles schizophrenia in its clinical manifesiations The difference is in the duration of illness Whille schizophrenic syrnptoms have to be of at least 6 months' duration, symptoms of schizophreniforn psychosis should be present for more than 2 weeks bul less than 6months Treatment -Same as schizophrenia lll. Brief reactve psychpsis - As. the nama suggests, the symptoms of.this disorder appear in reaction to recognisable psychosocial stresses Clinical picture is characterised by preserves of emorional turmoil and florid psychotic symptoms such as delirium hallucinations, incoherence and grossly ofeorganfsed behaviour These syrnptoms should be prsseni for less than 2 weeks Treatment - Antipsycholic drugs as in schizophrenia, although some cases are known to remit spontaneously. IV Schizo-affective disorder - Characterised by the simultaneous occurrence of schizophrenic symptom and symptoms of an affective or mood disorder, after depression or elation This diagnosis carries a better prognosis than schizophrenia. Treatment - Antipsychotic: drug, as in schizophrenia or In combination with antidepressants (in presence of depressive symptoms) Antipsychotic drugs are also efficacious when administered in combination with following mood stabilizers. (a) Lithium carbonate 600-1500 mg/day orally so as to achieve serum lithium levels ranging from 0.6-1.0 Eq /L. (b) Sodium evaporated 600-1500 mg/day orally (c) Divalproex (d) Carbamazepine 600-1200 mg/day orally Drug treatment can be given co currently with ECT and supportive psychotherapy. V. Delusional disorders -Characterized by occurrence of non-bizarre, persistent, well-systematized delusions of persecution of Jealousy In contrast to the bizarre delusions seen in schizophrenia Unlike schizophrenia hallucinations, are absent in delusional disorders. The non-bizarre delusions usually involve situations that could occur In reality. such as being followed, poisoned or deceived by spouse or lover. These delusions should be present or at least one month. The behaviors and emotions are appropriate to the content of the delusional system Apart from the impact of delusions, daily functioning is not markedly Impaired. A related condition is shared Delusional Disorder In which a delusional system develops in a person as a result of his close friendship with another person who has a delusional disorder. 2. MOOD DISORDERS Definition. The mood disorders are so called because their main feature is an abnormality of affect or mood This

. UNDIFFERENTIATED SCHIZOPHRENIA - charaderied by prominent delusions

age of 20-25 years with equal incidence in both sexes Onsel can be acute or gradual Clinical charactertetics include catatonic alupor. catatonic rigidity. negativism, posturing or sengaless exciramant 3 PARAMOID SCHIZOPHRENIA-Occurs around the age of 25, to 30 years, incidence is perhaps mors in males than famales Delusions of suspiciousnesa. persecution and grandeur are the characteristic syrnptorns Disorganization of speech and thought and hallucination are additional symptorne Personality comparatively wall preserved and autism and regression are rare Prognosis is better than in hecephrenic schzophranla 4. UNDIFFERENTIATED SCHIZOPHRENIA - charaderied by prominent delusions, hallucinations, incoherence or greatly disorganised behaviour, which cannot be grouped intu any of the above types of schizophrenia 5 RESIDUAL SCHIZOPHRENIA - In this type. the patient would have a history of at least one episode of schizophrenia, but there are no prominent psychotic symptorrs at the time at evaluation except for bluntad or inappropriate affect, social withdrawal, eccentric behaviour or illogical thinking B According to duration of illness 1 Acute Duiatlon of illness is at least 6 months 2 Chronic Duration of illness is more than 2 yeare C. Based on psychopahology 1 TYPE I SCHIZOPHRENIA comprises transient positive symptorns (e.g delusions, hallucinations, thought duisorder) it has been suggested that type I symptoms result from a central hyperdopaminergic state and are ameliorated by post-synaptic dopamine receptor blockade caused by rienrolepties 2 TYPE II SCHIZOPHRENIA - is characterised by 'negative symptorns such as emotinal blunling. apathy anhadonia. asotclatity and 'Impoverished thinking Prognosis. Good Risperidone 4-8 mg od or bd orally Doses less than mg/day are less likely to cause extrapyramidal s

Cutaneous mycosis Ringworm fungi. 3. Subcutaneous mycosis. mycetoma, Rhinosporidosis, Sporotrichosis

. Cutaneous mycosis Ringworm fungi. 3. Subcutaneous mycosis. mycetoma, Rhinosporidosis, Sporotrichosis, Chromoblastomycosis. 4 .Syatemic myocosis Actinromycosis, Nocardosis, Gandidiasis, Histoplasmosis. Blastomycosis. Coccidiodomycosis. 5. Miscellaneous - Aspergillosis; mucomnycosis Keratinolytic fungal Infection Ringworm (Damiatophytosis) Etiology This superifcial fungus infection is caused by species of three genera of fungi - Trichophyton. Micerosporum and Epidermophyton. The clinical picture is often similar, and identification e dificult without culture. henca these darmatophytes are best described according to the region of the body Involed Dermatophyte fungi are found in the soil. In animate and human beings. They live on the superficial layers of the epidermis, hair and nails The factors that promote dermatophytophytosis are a warm humid climats. poor nutrtion and hygiene, contact with infected animals and humansr debililating diseases Clinical types Tines capitis - is commonest In children and e sometimes seen In epidemic proportions Infections are caused by species belonging to either Microsporan or Tricophyton Mcrosporon is very rare in India. It is usually spread by caps, barber's Instruments, hair brushes and combs. There is patchy hair loss with broken hair. Hair Infected by Microsporon fluoresces under Wood light The fungus gets foothold in the stratum corneum and grows in it. later it enters the hair folicle. penetrates the hair cortex and flourishes Inside. The weakened hair then breaks giving rise to a bald patch Types (a) Black dot patch (b) Grey patch with scaling. (c) Inflammatory type Certain fungi causa deep, boggy swelling called a kerion. (d) Favus - Circular yellow cups made up of a fungal mat (scutula) surround the hair follicle it occurs also on the nails and body. Patients have a 'mousy' odour. Tinea capitis should diferentiated from Impetigo. alopecia areate. seborrhoeic dermatetis Tinea barbae - Is usually found in adult males. it is acquired from a barbers Instrument or from animals The lesions are similar to tinea infections else where Types (a) Non-Inflammatory type - spreading peripherally and clearing in the centre. (b) Inflammatory type - This is a deeper type wich pustules and kerion formation a should be differentiated from sycosis barbae Tinea corporis - Ringworm of the glabrous skin can occur anywhere on the body. it is caused most oftan by tricophyton speclea. The lesion starts as a papule which spreads ring-like perlpneralry with central clearing. The lesions are usually circinate with an active border consisting of vesicles and sealing. D. D. - (a) Tubsrculoid leprosy where minimal Infiltration in the penriphery mimics the active border of tinea circinata (b) intertrigo with scabies with lesions In flexural and moist sites which are also sites of predilection for T, circinata (c) impetigo

A has irritant potential. (a) Benzyl benzoate - used as a 25% solution from neck to roes and allowed to dry.

children as A has irritant potential. (a) Benzyl benzoate - used as a 25% solution from neck to roes and allowed to dry. The process is repeated twice a weak for. 2 weeks All applications except pyrethrum should be repeated after 10 days as they are not homicidal (b) Gamma benzene hydrochloride - 1% used as a cream or lotion In the some manner as benzyl benzoate (c) Monosulfiram (Tremolos) - 25% in an alcoholic base, dulled with 4 parts of water before use (d) Lindale - 1% solution (e) Perverting - 5%, dermal cream useful for intents and elderly Can be used on head and neck area. 5. Control of purities - with antihistamine. the prorates may persist for a while after destruction of the acre 6 if topical therapy ineffective, the drug overacting may be useful particularly in pts with crusted scabies. Pediculosis (Lice) Clinical features Padiculosis capitals - produce an Deny dermatosis of the head and neck. The grain-like quality of the nits can be appreciated by palpating between the thumb and index finger Pediculosis carporis - Body lice are rare except in vagranis who steep in their clothes and people with low standaros of hygiene. The lice and their eggs are usually found in tha seams of clolhing. Since lice cause Irritation, thare may be small red papules with a liny cantral clot Occasionally, there is general or local urticaria or thickening and discolouration of the skin Scratching may lead to eczema or impetigo Padiculosis pubis - Apart from the pubic area, pubic Iice may be found on the eyebrows, eyelashes or underarm hair, They are usually spread by drect contact, may be acquired from clothing or lavatory seats. Tha signs are similar to pediculosis corporsis Compliction - Secondary infection. lymphadenitis. urticarial rash Management .P. capitis infestation - Ganma benzene hexachloride 1%or permethrin 1%or malathion 05% single applications are efective but it is safer to repeat after 10 days Massage gently into the scalp, leave it on for 8 to 10 hours and then shampoo if off There is a permethrin shampoo available which has to be used like any other shampoo. Nits can be removed by combing the hair with a fine toothed comb, dipped in vinegar. 2. Fungal infection Definition Fungal Infections are caused by non-photosynthetic vegetable parasites called fungi. Broadly two types of superficial fungai infections exist - Keratinolytic; and Nonkeratinoclytic Classification: 1. Superfecial mycoses Tinea versicolor. Tinea nigra. Trichomycosis axillaris, Piedra. Candidiasis.

Free Forex Signals - Learn the Secrets to Forex Trading

Forex signals is deemed as one of the most essential factors that are given greater stress and emphasis when you hit the trade market. As a lot of people begin to rely on forex signals to provide them with a clear strategy, so as the search for free forex signals begin. True enough, there are various providers that give free signals however; this is considered short term reliefs since you never know when these free providers are going to pull the plug and the last thing you know everything's over. Therefore, you have to secure a kind of forex signal that will not only allow you to have free access to exchange currency market but also the ways on improving your skills.
Free forex signals served greater purpose of providing traders with the accurate signals that allows them to trail on repeated patterns and through this generate a prediction of how will the currency move. This is of the essence since as you begin to do your trade chances of acquiring a wrong move is inevitable and you will be left with nothing but to go back to square one and try your luck on your next trade. However, with free forex signals, you no longer have to endure anxiousness when trading as accurate signals are transmitted on your database.
Serious forex traders have greatly rely on free forex signals apart from its greater outcome, one of the most gleaned factor is its ability to reward traders with profits that they never imagine they can get. You can also try on investing forex signals and make this your partner for lifetime. As people would prefer to have subscription rather than the free ones it is never difficult to find one for your trade.
Accurate signals have become the indicators of the market's flow and behavior. These signals serve as your eye in the entire course of your foreign exchange dealings. Some of the factors that are provided by the forex signals are forex patterns, currency pairs, breakouts and Fibonacci levels. These are some of the things to look at when you are in a trade. This is precisely the reason why a trader without sufficient knowledge of the market will do no good in his dealings. These signals also provide traders of the idyllic timing when it comes to buying and selling currencies. The forex signal provides you with various information and recommendation if it would be favorable to buy or sell your currency. This type of recommendation is given by your provider or if you employ a broker then you most likely receive signals through an agent.
Forex signals are generally given on a daily updated basis and all are contingent on factual market analysis and behavioral flow and not on mere hearsays and other speculations.
Looking at the practical side, it would be a best option to go by free forex signals however, if you have the financial means to fund a subscription then you may acquire for one. But regardless of it being free or not, the underlying principle relies on the fact that forex signals are your way towards unleashing the secrets of forex trading.

. leading to a habitually low body wt. or a wide tiuctuation in weight due. to regular purging and its cornplications

leading to a habitually low body wt. or a wide tiuctuation in weight due. to regular purging and its cornplications. Many pts suffer from anxiety and affective desorders anorexia nervosa - is characterised by saff-imposed starvation in relentness pursuit of thinness and fear of fatness. leading to varing degrees of emaciation bulimia nervosa - is characterised by episodes of binge (bullima) associated with compensaory behaviours. such as vomlting or laxative misuse. it is accompanied by a sense of loss of control and a strong desire for a thinner body Pts. rnay show title wt. loss or may evan be obese The symptom of bulima can be feature of other medical or a component of anorexia nervosa. CLICAl FEATURES main feature of eating disrders are an avxaggerated desire thinnesss and intense fear of the being fat. the intense drive for thinness generates unusua eating behaviours or toying with food rather than eating it. or secretly disposing of food d food For pts with anorexia nervosa who also displtay. forbidden' foods are typically those consumed In a binge (l.e high calorie. carbohydrate-rich items) binges are followed by efforts to countract the ingestion of excessive calories by vomiting, laxative. or duretic abuse. severa food restriction of vigorous exa. severe food restriction or vigorous exarcising. anorexic woman may present with amenorrhoea and infertility, and with vaglnismus and frgldify The pt with anorexia usually admits that her wt. loss is self-inducect this is important diagnostically. PHYSICAL. SINGS. of anorexia nervosa emaciated appearance Fine downy lanugo hair Hair loss from scalp carotene pigmention of soles and plan Bradycardia and hypotension bruses trorn subsequent falts Fractures from osreoporosis Parotid entargement Calluses knockless (from repeated vorniting by

Forex Training Education - Learn How to Become a Professional Forex Trader!

Forex training education is one of the most sought after training course formulated and specifically tailored for those who want to learn the true dealings of the trade. This becomes popular to a lot of aspiring traders, novice and even professionals. As everyone knows how the trade can move to an intensified state down to its fluctuation, it can never be gleaned that forex trading is an easy market. Reality check, it is not an uncomplicated market however, you can formulate ways on how to weather a complex market into something that will turn all the intricacies and risks as part of a challenging course and in the long run to your advantage.
When you finally come to the conclusion of undergoing forex training education, you will realize that this is something worthwhile as you begin with an investment that you will be carrying on in the duration of your trade and in your future transactions. One might come to ask, what could possibly be the best formula to gain more profit? The answer is simple, learn through forex course training education and be able to apply all the things that you have learned in your actual trade.
Forex training education has a lot of things to offer in helping you become a professional trader. You have to start off in searching for the best and the finest online courses on the net. There are multiplicities of selections provided for those who want to gain further knowledge in the areas of forex market and you will surely come up with the most efficient ones. You can also go by other forex trade software that consists of forex autopilot and forex robots. This software generate favorable outcome and constructive feedback as expediency becomes its major point. When you acquire a forex autopilot or robot, you will no longer have to do the monitoring 24/7 for the forex autopilot will be the one to do all the things that you once been doing. This software will also send forex signals on your database indicating if it is a perfect time to buy, sell or hold your currencies.
Forex training education is also comprise of demo accounts that can serve as your online resources. You can also create an account where you will be given a trial trade with no capital involve until such time that you are ready to face the inner circle and do your first trade at once. Added to this, is the significance of learning forex languages that will also play a big part in your dealings. Terminologies such as hedge, pips, currency pairs, quote currency, base currency, cross currency and the major and minor currency. The chances of coming across with these terms are viable.
Keep in mind that, forex training education should not rest once you get yourself in the forex market circle. Just like any other venture, a continuous learning process is essential to make way for greater challenges to overcome, profits to take pleasure and in due time a professional trader in your own right.

The commonest substance is lysergic acid dethylamide (LSD) The physical effects of this drug are sympathomimetic

whether it is euphoria, dapression or anxiety Distortion of time and space and increased enjoyment of aesthetic experience are often reported Additionally, there may be reddening of the eyes. dryness of mouth and irritation of respiratory tract Chronic use of cannabis may at times lead to a state of lethargy, apathy and indolence- amotivational syndrome cannable use could also prcipitate an acute psychosis Convincing evidence of a definite with drawal syndrome, however, is lackting it is for this reason that detection of use of cannabis can be dificult at times. Abuse and defendence of halluinogens. The commonest substance is lysergic acid dethylamide (LSD) The physical effects of this drug are sympathomimetic In nature -tachyoardia.popullary dilatation etc.the psychologica effects are precepyua in nature, occurring in a state of full coneciousness The principal symptome Include illusions . hallucinations subjective feeling of intensification of percepytions and synaesthesias The latter term signifies a confusion between sensory modalities, e,g sounds are perceived as visual There may be accompanying anxiety or depression, fear of losing one's sanity, ideas of reference and impairment of judger Abuse and derfendence of other drugs - tobacco - with drawal symptome following abrupt cessation of its use include craving for tobbaco, irritablillity resutlessness headche difficulty In concentration gl disturdances caffeins Clinical features of intoxitation are restlessness. excitement . insomnia. psychomotor agitation. flushing of face. gl disturbances muscle twiching and and cardiac arrhythmias - phencyclidine -This drug was introduced as an analgesic and general anaesthetic agent but has been withdrawn because of side effects features of infoxicaetion include agitation afteration in consciousnees, psychosis, nystagmus, hypertension, ataxia,convulsion, muscie rigidity and sometimes an adrenergic Crisis withdrawl syndrome is characterised by craving for the drug.anergia and physical discomfort treatment; of substance use disorders - 1 treatment of withdrawas syndromes - this is carried out preferably in hospital the ganeral treatment plan consiets of abrupt cessation of tha use the offending drug along with parentera or oral tranqullisars. e g hataperidol 10-30 mg/day, or dizepam 10-20 mg/day, or cholardiezepoxide 30-100 mg/day however. abrupt withdrawal of barbkturates is Traught with dangar and may lead to setzures and at time to death Hence Barbiturates shuold be withdrawn gradually. or a short-acting barbiturate or benzodiazeepine substituted in place of the abused drug. 2 Maintenance of nutrition status of the patient 3 Treatment of any physical complications such as infection. epileptic. seizures, complications due to selfinjection of drugs. etc. 4 Therapy with drugs that act as deterrent, e. g disulfiram in alcoholism The drug is given in a loading dose of 600-1000 mg/day and then reduced to maintence dose of 125-250 mg/day These drugs havew to be given only ofter complete recovery from withdrawal sympomes. 5 Treatment of associatedp psychiatric disorder- Psychothrapy may be useful even in the absence of an associated psychiatric disorder 6 Referral to agencies concerned with drug-dependence. e.g Aicoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous B eating DlSORDER Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are the two disorders which mainly affect women Cases unresponsive to Treatment ara associated with signlficani mortality chronic form of these disorders develop in 25% of pts