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Friday, July 3, 2009

Irregular and broken pieces (tears) of varying size, yellow, sh-white, yellow or amber in colour, with numerous minute fissures

ACACIAGum Acacia. Indian GumAcacia is the dried, gummy exudation from the stem and branches of Acacia nilotica (Linn,) Del. subsp. indfca (Beth) Brenan (syn. A. arabica Willd. var, mdica Benin.) (Fam Leguminosae), or other species of Acacia.Category Pharmaceutical aid (emulsifying and suspending agent).Description. Irregular and broken pieces (tears) of varying size, yellow, sh-white, yellow or amber in colour, with numerous minute fissures; brittle fractured surface, glassy and occasionally iridescent; odourless.Solubility. Almost entirely soluble in twice its weight of water yielding a very viscousH slightly acidic solution which is slightly glairy and, when diluted with more water and allowed to stand, yields a very small amount of gummy deposit, practically insoluble in ethanol (95%) and in ether. Storage. Store in tightly-closed containers, protected from moisture.STANDARDSIderitification A An aqueous solution ps gelatinised by the addition of lead subacetate solution B. To 5 ml of a 10% w/v solution add gradually, while shaking, 1.0 ml of ethanol [95%) The cloudy liquid, on addition of 0.5 ml of acetic acid, gives a white precipitate. Filter and add to the clear filtrate 50 ml of ammonium oiolate solution, the filtrate becomes cloudy C: A 10% w/v solution is either dextro-rotatory or slightly la evo-rotatory Sterculia gum and agar To 50 mg of the powdered substance being examined add 0.2 ml of freshly prepared ruthenium red solution and examine mrcroscopically; the particles do not'acquire a red colour afler irrigation with water Agar and tragacanth To 10 ml of a 10% w/v solution add 0.2 ml of lead acetate solution; no precipitate is produced Starch and dextrin: Boil 10 ml of a 10% w/v solution and cool. add 0.1 ml of 0.05M iodine; no blue or brown colour is produced Tannms To 10 ml of a 10% w/v solution add 0.1 ml of feme chloride lest solution; a gelatinous precipitate is formed, but neither the precipitate nor the liquid 'shows a dark blue colour Sucrose and fructose. To 1 m! of a 10% wft solution add 4 ml ofwater, 0.1 g of resorcmol and 2 ml of hydrochloric acid and heat on a water-bath; no yellow or pink colour develops Water-msolubfe matter Dissolve 5 g of a fine powder in about 100 ml of water in a 250-m1 Erlenmeyer flask, add 10 ml of dilute hydrochlonc acid and boil gently for 15 minutes. Filter by suction while hot through a sintered-glass crucible.pfeviously tared, wash thoroughly with ho! water, dry at 105C and weigh, the residue does not exceed 50 mg Sulphated ash Not more than 5.0%, Appendix 3.22 Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1 0%, determined on 1 g. Appendix 3 39 Loss on drying: Not more than 15 0%H determined on 1 g by drying in an oven at 105°, Appendix 8 B Microbiaf limits 1.0 g is free from Escherichia coli, Appendix 9.4 ACACIA POWDERAcacia Powder is Acacia in powder form Description White or yellowish-white powder; odourless; on treatment with water it dissolves to give a mucilaginous liquid which is colourless or yellowish, dense, viscous, adhesive and translucent Solubility; As stated under Acacia Storage Store in tightly-closed containers, protected from moisture STANDARDSIdentification, Sterculia gum and agar. Agar and tragacanth; Starch and dextnn; Tannins. Sucrose and fructose; Water-insoluble matter; Sulphated ash, Acid-insoluble ash; Loss on drying; Microbial limits. Complies with the requirements stated under Acacia.ACEBUTQLOL HYDROCHLORIDE and antianhythmic.Dosej As antihypertensive, initially, 4CSJ mg once daily or 200 mg twice daily, increased after 2 weeks to 400 mg twice daity As antianginal. initially, 400 mg once daily or 200 mg twice daily, in severe angina, 300 mg thrice daily; maintenance dose, up to 1.2 g daily. As antiarrhythmic. 4X mg to 1,2 g daily, in 2 to 3 divided doses.Description. White or almost while, crystalline powder. Solubility: Freely soluble in water and in ethanol (95%); very slightly soluble in acetone and in dichloromethane, practically insoluble in ether. Slorage: Store in well-closed, light-resistant containers STANDARDSAcebutolol Hydrochlonde contains not less than 99.0 per cent and not more than 101.0 per cent of C18H28N2O4,HCL calculated with reference to the dried substance. Identification Tas! A may be omitted if tests B. C. D and E are carried out Tests B. C and 0 may be omitted if tests A and E are carried Out A The infra-red absorption spectrum, Appendix 54, is concordant with the reference spectrum of acebutolol hydrochlonde or with the spectrum obtained from acebutolol hydrochlonde RS. B; The light absorption in the range 220 to 360 nm of a 0.001% w/v

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