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Friday, March 20, 2009

Australia, New Zealand to Lower Rates

I won't lie; the Forex Blog is admittedly Dollar-centric, in that developments in forex markets are usually assessed relative to their projected impact on the US Dollar. Sometimes, we forget that their are other currency pairs that move irrespective of the Dollar. Take the Australian Dollar and New Zealand Kiwi, for example. As both currencies are backed by high interest rates, they have benefited equally from the carry trade and as a result, they behave quite similarly. Combined with the fact that they are practically neighbors, it's easy to forget that there are unique circumstances that weigh separately on them.Over the next 12 months, both countries' Central Banks are expected to significantly lower their benchmark interest rates as a result of slowing economic growth. However, as New Zealand does not have a large stock of natural resources to depend on in times of economic turmoil, it is projected to lower rates quite sharply, compared to Australia. Accordingly, the Australian Dollar may represent a buying opportunity against the Kiwi in the near-term. Bloomberg News reports:New Zealand's dollar is likely to fall 8.7 percent to NZ$1.33 versus Australia's by year-end as the nation's economic slowdown accelerates, boosting prospects the RBNZ will lower borrowing costs...according to RBC Capital Markets.

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